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Canada Goose Management

Animal Remover is your trusted source for commercial Canada Goose management, removal, and control. We offer a vast variety of management options that are specifically tailored to each Canada Goose problem.


Cincinnati Canada Goose Wildlife Management & Control

After many years of experience, we know what works and what doesn’t work and have developed custom solutions to fit your needs. Let us put our equipment, experience, and expertise to the test and help you safely and effectively eliminate your Canada Goose problem. We will stop the recurring damage that Canada Geese cause to grass, parking lots, ponds, and most importantly, the image of your business. Our commercial wildlife management programs will reduce your annual maintenance cost and your liability.



Commercial Canada Geese Removal, Trapping & Control In Cincinnati, NKY, Oxford & Dayton

Due to their habits of living near people, Canada Geese are classified as a nuisance animal species. Canada Geese love to hang out in ponds and lakes near human development. Unfortunately, they are also very territorial when nesting near entryways and landscapes. The most common complaints wildlife management experts receive include the following:

Canada Geese defecating on parking lots and entryways

Canada Geese getting sucked into the engines of planes when flying near airports

Canada Geese nesting

Canada Geese attacking customers and employees when protecting their nest

Canada Geese degrading the water quality of ponds

Canada Geese destroying grass

Canada Geese presence scaring away customers

Dead Canada geese on property

Canada geese eating vegetation around pond or lake

Canada geese living on roof

Sick and potentially dangerous Canada goose

Canada geese living on and occupying golf courses


Canada Geese Biology

Classified as Branta canadensis, Canada Geese are characterized by their brownish-grey body, long black neck, and a black head with white patches on the face. Male adult geese weight an average of 7-14 lbs and females weigh an average of 5-12 lbs. Lifespans in the wild are around 10-24 years.

Mating Habits

Canada geese reach sexual maturity during their second year of life. At this point, they will find a mate, and like penguins, mate for life. Their breeding season begins in March, and a female Canada goose lays a clutch of 2-9 eggs. Incubation lasts approximately 23-30 days, and she will sit on the nest during this time. If the eggs are destroyed, the female Canada goose will lay another clutch. The male Canada goose will stand guard near the nest and will become aggressive towards anyone who gets to close. Canada Geese molt during the last two weeks of June, and at this time we can provide wildlife management services where we can remove entire flocks of Canada geese that threaten your property.


Types Of Geese

Canada Geese have very few goals: find food, find water, find habitat, and reproduce. There are two types of Canada Geese that we encounter: resident geese and migratory geese. Resident geese are geese that have all the resources they need to survive a chilly winter and therefore don’t relocate. Migratory geese are geese that naturally migrate to a warmer climate for the winter. These geese are constantly adjusting to new areas which present new challenges. Therefore, resident geese tend to lay more eggs and have a longer lifespan than migratory geese. There really isn’t a way to determine the difference between a resident goose and a migratory goose other than by observing their habits.

Canada Geese Behavior

Geese nests are frequently found in landscapes which are typically close to entry doors, and a pair of mating geese will attack anyone that gets too close to their nest. When a goose sees someone approaching the nest, it will first hiss as a warning to stay back. Next, it will lower its head, tuck in its wings and charge towards the threat. Sometimes they will even stick their wings straight out to make themselves look as large as possible, a behavior that several animals exhibit when threatened. If the threat persists, they may bite, flap their wings, or use their claws to repel the threat.

Surprisingly, it’s typically not the goose that results in physical injury to someone. When people are confronted by a defensive goose, they usually try to run in the opposite direction. Running away usually results in tripping or falling which can result in severe injury. Businesses spend millions each year combating lawsuits that involve trips or falls on their property.

A flock of Canada Geese can start out with just a few birds. Like other social species of waterfowl, Canada Geese feel safe and comfortable in numbers. A small number of geese can turn into a very large flock within just a few years. When a large flock is present, they degrade the water quality of ponds with the substantial number of droppings and urine they produce. This results in a major increase of pond maintenance and is detrimental to local wildlife and plant species that currently inhabit the pond area. Large flocks also destroy grasses due to overgrazing, leading to increased landscaping costs.

Properties located near fields of corn or legumes are at an escalated risk of attracting Canada Geese. Corn and legumes serve as an excellent food source for these animals, and crops that are not harvested over the winter provide food for migratory geese when they return in the spring. If you are near a field planted with corn or legumes, it is highly recommended that you have an adequate wildlife management program for geese in place.


Canada Geese Nuisance Concerns

Canada geese cause billions of dollars in property damage each year. Due to the declining number of natural predators and an increasing amount of suitable habitat, Canada Geese continue to thrive. In fact, the Canada goose population has continued to increase 5% each year over the past 10 years. In 2019, the population of Canada geese in the United States will reach over 6 million birds.

Some scientists refer to the Canada Goose population as being ‘’out of control.” Once they locate a suitable habitat and determine that it is safe, they will continue to return each year, causing the population to only increase. Canada geese can be detrimental to the image of a business. Their droppings damage sidewalks, parking lots, decks, entryways, and even roofing. Due to their high level of acidity, the droppings often leave permanent stains on concrete, even after the areas have been pressure washed.

Canada Geese Diseases

Goose droppings are a major health hazard to anyone who encounters them. Research shows that pathogens in Canada Geese droppings are capable of being transmitted to humans through the water and air. To protect yourself from disease, any Canada Geese problem should be addressed by a professional wildlife management service.


How To Get Rid Of Canada Geese:

Removing and or repelling Canada Geese is not an effortless process. The first step is to call Animal Remover, and you will be connected with one of our highly trained and professional wildlife management specialists. The wildlife management specialist will ask specific questions relating to your goose problem, the location of your property, and the size of your property. We will then perform a free site visit so that we can determine what options are best for you and your property. Next, we will provide a quote for our goose removal services and discuss what permits may be required (if applicable) to handle your Canada goose problem. Permits are relatively easy to acquire and generally require you to pay a fee to the Department of Wildlife.

Single/Multiple attack goose capture services
We provide goose capture services when dealing with aggressive geese. We can capture all attack geese and most nesting geese. This is typically done when the business is closed.

Complete Canada Geese flock round up and removal services
We offer complete flock removal services. This is done during the last two weeks of June when the geese are not capable of flight. Round-ups are a fantastic way to quickly remove geese but must be done in conjunction with habitat modification or on-going harassment to prevent future Canada Geese from visiting the property.

Habitat Modification
We will perform a site evaluation and put a plan together for what can be done to make the current habitat less goose friendly. This may involve installing riff raff rocks around the pond, growing up grasses around the pond, or eliminating food sources.

Egg oiling
Egg oiling is the act of rubbing oil on the eggs. This seals the pores on the egg that the egg uses for oxygen and prevents the egg from hatching.

Egg puncturing:
Egg puncturing is done by using a special tool to puncture the egg. The tool must be long enough to disrupt the yoke inside of the egg. This will keep the egg from hatching.

Egg addling:
Egg addling is another technique used to keep the egg from hatching. The egg must be shaken hard enough to break up the yoke inside. This will prevent the egg from hatching.

Harassment is the act of visually, audibly, or mechanically disrupting patterns of Canada Geese to make them feel unsafe and encourage them to move to a different area. If done properly. harassment is an extremely effective wildlife management method.

Turf Taste Repellent:
Turf taste repellent is a chemical that is used to treat the grazing areas where geese feed. It is composed of a grape flavoring that tastes very bitter to birds. Once the birds get a taste of the grape flavoring, they are encouraged to graze elsewhere.

Sound deterrents:
Sound deterrents are a very effective way to deter Canada geese.

Pond netting:
We can install large nets over entire ponds that keep Canada Geese from being able to land in the pond. The nets are typically installed about 5 feet above the water. This is what we refer to as the ultimate permanent solution for repelling Canada Geese.

Nesting Area Fencing:
The act of installing temporary fencing around a goose nesting area to prevent conflict between people and the nesting goose. As soon as the eggs hatch the temporary fence will be removed. This works especially well for areas where goose removal may not be accepted.

Wildlife Management Success Story

See picture below. Visual deterrents, such as flashing lights and coyote decoys, are not effective wildlife management tactics. This property had a population of 80-100 geese. They had tried everything from canine decoys to coyote decoys to lights that flashed around the shore with no success. This picture even shows how geese are smart enough to not be affected by a coyote decoy, even when the decoy is moved around daily.

In June, they called Animal Remover to finally resolve their Canada goose problem. In the last weeks of June, the geese began to molt. Molting is when Canada geese lose their old feathers and new ones grow in. During this time, Canada Geese are not capable of flight and they can be rounded up and removed. We use specially designed equipment along with job-specific Canada Geese transportation trailers to remove the geese. Our goal is to make the removal and wildlife management process as comfortable as possible for the goose and for the customer. This customer’s goose problem was resolved in less than 1 hour on this day in June.
